169 Euston Road , London NW1 2AE Back Description 169 Euston Road provides 22,643 sq.ft of grade A office space centrally located on Euston Road, directly opposite Euston Railway Station. The headquarter style building benefits from excellent natural light, good ceiling heights and regular floorplates. There is an attractive reception, 2 x passenger lifts and 2 x car parking spaces. The property is fitted to a high standard with a mixture of open plan office and meeting room accommodation. Location The property is located on the south side of Euston Road (A501). Euston Station (Mainline) and Euston Underground Station (Overground, Northern & Victoria Line) are directly opposite the property. FLOOR 5th Floor Available 2,905 Sq Ft 4th Floor Available 3,335 Sq Ft 3rd Floor Available 3,335 Sq Ft 2nd Floor Available 3,335 Sq Ft 1st Floor Available 3,335 Sq Ft Ground Floor Available 2,735 Sq Ft Reception Available 409 Sq Ft Lower Ground Available 3,422 Sq Ft TOTAL 22,811 Sq Ft Lease A new lease by arrangement direct from the Landlord for 10 or 15 years on a FRI lease held outside the security and compensation provisions of the Landlord & Tenant Act 1952 part II as amended. Rent £1,500,000 pa exclusive of rates Rates Business Rates – RV £995,000 / Rates Payable c. £521,380 pa. Interested parties to make their own enquiries with the London Borough of Camden. GN2 gives notice that these particulars are set out as a general outline only for the guidance of intending Purchasers or Lessees, and do not constitute any part of an offer or contract. Details are given without any responsibility and any intending Purchasers, or Lessees or Third Party should not rely on them as statements or representations of fact, but must satisfy themselves by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of them. No person in the employment of GN2 has any authority to make any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. CONTACT Strictly by appointment through: Charles Godfrey 020 7183 6527 07786 061 094 charles.godfrey@gn2.uk.com Julie Rees MRICS 020 7183 4769 077 1025 7924 julie.rees@gn2.uk.com Joint Agent Barney Lewis Allsop 020 7543 6742