1 Canning Road , Harrow , Wealdstone HA3 7TS

Ground Floor: 4,210 sq. ft.


Anticipated PC of the commercial space is Q1 2024, though the space provides a great pre-let opportunity for a variety of E Class or other uses (subject to planning).


Accessed via the corner of Canning Road and Gladstone Way, the premises form part of the wider re-development of “Premier House” on the upper floors which will include 112 NO. residential flats and additonal commercial space.


The specification is to be confirmed in due course. 

Ground Floor
4,210 Sq Ft
4,210 Sq Ft
Pre-let opportunity for a new lease available outside the landlord and Tenant Act 1954 part II
Guiding £25psf
Service Charge
To be confirmed
To be re-assessed
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